lo liyong

Taban Lo Liyong / Taban lo-liyong is a South Sudanese poet, critic, novelist, and short-story writer, was born in South Sudan. He received his early education at Gulu High School and the Sir Samuel Baker School, and subsequently studied at a teachers’ college in Uganda, at Howard University, USA (BA), and at the University of Iowa, USA, where he was the first African to receive the MFA degree in creative writing and where he cultivated his unconventional writing style.

He has taught at several universities, including the University of Papua New Guinea, the University of Nairobi in Kenya, where he co-founded the department of literature with Ngugi wa Thiong’o, and Juba University in Khartoum, Sudan. A former cultural affairs director in southern Sudan, he taught at the University of Venda in South Africa. His expertise lies in Indigenous knowledge systems of the world, poetry, essays, short stories, drama, critical essays and theorizing. Throughout his career he has authored over 30 books and contributed to various literature works.

Best Selling book

After Troy, Taban lo Liyong’s book length poem, is an expansive and engaging elaboration of two classical Greek texts, Homer’s Odyssey and Aeschylus’s Oresteia. Its focus is the homecoming from the Trojan war of two hero-kings, Odysseus and Agamemnon. Lo Liyong recreates their thoughts and speech, adding dialogue from other characters, most of them women, who are not given a voice in the original stories. After Troy is also a philosophical enquiry into retribution and justice.

Taban Lo Liyong’s profundity as a prominent writer from East Africa is often showcased by his wilful eccentricity and dogged iconoclasm, which exuberantly dot the lines of his poetry collections’. - Niyi Akingbe, 2013 University of South Africa

Taban lo-Liyong (born 1939) is one of Africa's well-known poets and writers of fiction and literary criticism. His political views, as well as his on-going denigration of the post-colonial system of education in East Africa, have inspired criticism and controversy since the late 1960s.

Dan Waldo

Taban lo-Liyong is a prolific and versatile author, Liyong wrote highly imaginative short narratives, such as Fixions (1969), and unorthodox free verse, including Franz Fanon’s Uneven Ribs (1971), Another Nigger Dead (1972), Ballads of Underdevelopment (1976), and Carrying Knowledge Up a Palm Tree (1997). His nonfiction output consists of argumentative and amusing personal essays, which appeared in Meditations in Limbo (1970), The Uniformed Man (1971), The Meditations of Taban lo Liyong (1978), and Another Last Word (1990), among other collections; bold literary criticism (The Last Word [1969]); and half-serious quasi-political commentary (Thirteen Offensives Against Our Enemies [1973]).

My Books

The Last Word


Popular Culture of East Africa

After Troy

Taban lo-Liyong Eunice Malath show interview 01 August 2014

South Sudan Kuku Conference May 25 2014

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